KBE-Pascal is an interactive programming assistant system. KBE-Pascal是一种交互式的程序设计助手系统,其意图是程序员完成设计和实现的困难部分,由KBE-Pascal尽可能地帮助他。
Access database, VC and ADO are mainly used to design the application in the paper and meanwhile the correlative drawing tools and programming software are used as the assistant tools. 数据库应用和相关的查询程序开发主要使用Access数据库、VC和ADO,同时还辅以相关软件和编程工具。
Ada Syntax-Directed Editor ( ASDE) is the kernel of the integrated Ada programming environment AWA ( Ada Working Assistant). Ada语法制导编辑器ASDE是集成化的Ada程序设计环境AWA(AdaworkingAssistant)的核心系统。
Based on the thought and experience of assistant decision-making system, the application of Object Oriented Programming technology and synthetic evaluation technology in bridge safety monitoring assistant decision-making system are discussed. 本文在研究辅助决策系统开发思路、方法和经验的基础上,探讨了面向对象技术和综合评判技术在桥梁安全监控辅助决策系统中的应用。
A management system of test is developed with the programming technology of Visual C++, Microsoft Access and Matlab, which becomes a strong assistant of large infiltration test of loess in situ, because it helps to collect accurate, integrated and reliable test data. 针对大规模黄土原位浸水试验特点,运用Visualc++、MicrosoftAccess和Matlab组合编程,开发了试验数据综合处理系统,成为黄土原位浸水试验有力的辅助工具,大大提高了试验数据的准确性、完整性和可靠性。